I was playing LFS with my Momo Force (red) today, just casually drifting a gew corners. After the game I disconnected the wheel as I have done a million times (actually this wheel has only seen aorund 10 hours of play in the last few years) and I stored it. I decided about an hour later that I would love to go for another round of drifting. I plugged in the wheel. NOTHING. The LEDS on the wheel did not go on, nor did the wheel auto center as it always does. I restarted the software, restarted the hardware, nothing worked. I don't know what in the world is wrong with it, whether it's dead or not, since I had not been mistreating it or using it roughly at all. Anyone know what could be up?
Is this Highway 9 by any chance? I'm actually from nearby (next city over) Cupertino, CA. If you are familiar with the area, and you go down foothill (stevens canyon rd) towards the reservoir, there is a mountain road called Montebello that could provide for some serious fun in LFS. But I think that Calaveras connecting Fremont and Milpitas could be a great road to model.
Anyway. It really depends on the corner. For sweepers, it's a quick turn in and throttle lift to induce oversteer, and hold down the throttle and counter to keep the slide going.
For hairpins I use the feint drift, meaning i heel toe downshift first, the quickly steer away and into the corner.
I agree. Personality is extremely important to building a good team. You can't have a team of self centered dickheads, even if they drive really fast. You guys seem to be one of the only American teams around too. I would love to join an American team.
This is pretty much a replay that was recorded in fraps with music playing, and uploaded to google video. I apologize for the quality, google video totally rapes the IQ and all. Just a single drift lap of SO Long Reverse.